

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

PopSugar Challenge: Aspergirls

PopSugar Challenge

Aspergirls by Rudy Simone

Read a Nonfiction Book 

I decided to pick up this particular book to fill my "read a nonfiction book" due to my recent diagnosis with Aspergers syndrome. I have talked briefly about my diagnosis and Aspergers vs Autism in my review of the manga "With the Light" by Keiko Tobe. 

This book delves into the ways that women and girls with Aspergers are different and unique. It also talks about many of the struggles that people with this syndrome have to go through. For instance, many people with Aspergers syndrome have problems staying in college, keeping a job, finding meaningful friendships and ultimately finding a life partner. 

From personal experience I can say that much of what this book talks about is true and is helpful. It is nice to know that you are not alone and that you are not a complete freak. I have not actually ever met another woman with Aspergers so it was nice to read about others experiences. However, I did have a few problems with this book. There were a lot of assumptions made by the author and I noticed quite a few generalities being made. For example, the way she writes seems to say that if something is a symptom of Aspergers then EVERY woman will suffer with that problem. I also found many parts of the book depressing. For instance, it doesn't give much hope for those who have Aspergers to ever find meaningful relationships or a semi-normal family life. There were parts in which the book made me feel bad about myself or that I was somehow less-than. 

Overall I think this is probably a must read for anyone who wants to know about Aspergers for women. This is mostly due to the fact however that there is very little literature on the subject. It was a interesting read but not absolutely amazing. I would give it a 3 out of 5 stars. 

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