

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Top 5 Wednesday: Most Frustrating Characters

Top 5 Wednesday: Most Frustrating Characters

This weekly meme is hosted by Lainey at gingerreadslainey. I will put a link below for the Goodreads page if you wanna check out all of the other fabulous Wednesdayers!

So this week is all about characters we find frustrating. I honestly don't find too many characters to be frustrating but I think I can come up with 5. 
1. Bella Swan. I feel like this is probably a pretty standard response. I mean she can just be so DUMB. The entirety of her existence depends upon whether or not a guy likes her which is just annoying. I did enjoy these books though for what it's worth. 

2. Any of the characters from Looking for Alaska. Yes, I absolutely hated them all but I guess I would have to put Alaska right there at the top. 

3. Rebecca Bloomwood. Holy cow I absolutely hated this character. It was actual torture to read an entire book about such a self-obsessed and terrible person. 

4. Mia from the If I Stay duology. I just found Mia very unlikable. She really wasn't concerned with anyone but herself and she pretty much treated Adam like crap. 

5. Tris Prior. I actually do like Tris a lot but there is such a thing as too stubborn. Her willingness to constantly put herself in danger was a little troublesome at times. 

Well there you have it! Those are my most frustrating characters (that I can come up with right now). Who do you think is the most frustrating character you've ever read about?

Have a great day bookworms!


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