

Friday, February 13, 2015

50 Shades of Grey: Book vs movie

50 Shades of Grey

Book VS Movie 

I really dislike being outright mean and judgmental, however, I believe that this post will probably be both of those and a bit rantish. I will try hard though to keep it classy. First off I must tell you that I am a pretty big 50 Shades of Grey fan. I see nothing wrong with the events of the book and no I do not find it to be abusive. Everything that happens in the book is consensual and therefore I can find no issue with it. Yes, you could certainly say that the writing isn't phenomenal but I like the book based purely on entertainment value, nothing more. Now that we got that out of the way we can get onto the comparison. 

1. The casting for this movie is one of the worst that I have ever seen and Dakota Johnson is probably the movie's worse casualty. She didn't seem to have any acting experience and her portrayal of Anastasia fell very flat. 

2. Another problem was Jamie Dornan's accent. I was surprised that he actually played a pretty believable Christian Grey, yet I could not get passed the ugliness of his accent. Throughout the entire movie Dornan tries unsuccessfully to hide his Irish accent. Unfortunately it just ends up sounding like he has something caught in his throat which is very distracting. Why he couldn't have just kept his original accent I will never know.

3. Elliot, Christian's supposably super hot brother is in fact pretty ugly in this movie. 

4. Let's be honest, sex is really a great deal of what this book is about. It is also pretty obvious that this movie does sex terribly. I can say with certainty that I have never seen a movie in which I felt like laughing every time the couple did the deed. It is not supposed to be funny but the absolute lack of chemistry and lines like, "I want to fuck you into next Wednesday" given with a deadpan delivery make it downright hilarious. 

5. Out of all of these problems I think that chemistry is what is lacking in this movie. In the book version of 50 Shades of Grey, there is no doubt that Anastasia and Christian have immediate and intense chemistry. In the movie adaptation however, I honestly felt like Jamie and Dakota didn't even like each other. Their interactions were awkward and the flow of the dialogue was slow, pained, and far from being natural. 

Overall I wasn't expecting to like this movie. I feel like the subject matter along with the sex scenes would be extremely hard to get right on the big screen. However, I feel like this movie was monumentally worse than it could have been and even worse than I expected it to be. If I could turn the clock back I would not go and see this movie. I feel like the movie only portrayed the negative and wasn't able to get across any of the more complicated themes or even the passion shared between the two main characters. I hate that the way I feel about the movie is slightly poisoning the love I have for the book. It also kills me to know that if a person hated 50 Shades of Grey before seeing it that their loathing will probably be at least doubled after seeing it. This movie is defiantly giving a lot of ammunition to the people who say 50 Shades of Grey is unsuitable or abusive. Just remember that there is a ton of backstory and internal dialogue that the movie just didn't put in. 

Thanks for allowing me my little rant and I hope you have a great day book lovers! 

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