

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

PopSugar Reading Challenge: The Complete Persepolis

PopSugar Reading Challenge

Read a Memoir
The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi 

When I picked this book up from the library I was ridiculously excited. I love learning about religions and other cultures (especially Islam and Judaism), so I was quite sure that I would fall in love with this book. Unfortunately, the exact opposite happened. I actually didn't enjoy this book at all. It was hard to get through and I found myself forcing myself to finish it. I know that I am a minority as most people really seem to like this book. For me however there were multiple problems. 

1. My main problem with this graphic memoir is Marjane Satrapi herself. She is a real person so I am ashamed to say that she was one of the most annoying characters that I've ever read about. She is spoiled, entitled, rude, and she changes her opinion at every opportunity depending on whose around at the time. It is honestly painful to read a book from her perspective. 

2. My second problem with the book is that the first third of it is pretty confusing. There is a lot of historical facts shoved into a very short period of time. I had a hard time keeping everything straight. I also hated how the people wanted to overthrow the horrible Shah but what they ended up with in the Islamic Republic was so much worse. It didn't make any sense to me. 

3. I was also very frustrated that people insisted on staying in Iran because it was "their land" even though they were in grave danger. It was slightly infuriating to hear that these people risked their lives during wartime to stay in a place that was dangerous simply due to nostalgia. I also hated that Marjane was sent to live in Austria as a young child and that her parents did not accompany her. There may have been reasons for this but they were never mentioned in the book. Due to this I only have to conclude that they did not want to leave their country. I am very confused by this. 

4. I became increasing frustrated with Muslims in general while reading this book. As a person that is interested in all religions I found this very frightening. I realize the book was written from one persons own experiences and that these things actually happened. However, I feel that the depictions in this book could cause real hate toward the Muslim population. Especially if someone who already has prejudice were to try to read it. 

5. I wasn't a huge fan of the graphics but that is my own personal taste. 

Well, those are my thoughts about The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi :-)

Have a great day bookworms!

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