Top Ten Tuesday
The Best Heroines in Books/Movies/TV
This weekly meme is hosted by the people over at the Broke and the Bookish. I will post the link to their site at the bottom of this post. Go check out their site and write a Top Ten Tuesday post of your own! :-)
While trying to come up with this list, I realized that I must read a lot more about men than women. I certainly seem to have more favorite hero's then heroines.
*In no particular order
1. Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins: Katniss is one of the most kick ass characters I've ever read about. She is selfless and is motivated to help save her family.
2. Anastasia from the animated movie Anastasia: I have loved this character since I was a young child Anastasia is one of the most spunky, witty, and sarcastic characters and I love her for it.
3. Rapunzel from the Disney movie Tangled: I admire Rapunzel for her beauty, strength, and caring personality. She is a joy to watch.
4. Anne Frank: This should go without saying but Anne Frank was such a strong and immensely smart woman. She was so young when she passed away but she had so many ideas that were far beyond her short years.
5. Esther from the book of Esther: This is my favorite book in the Bible because Esther is a wonderfully selfless character that puts herself in harms way in order to save her people.
6. Dolores Claiborne from Steven Kings book Dolores Claiborne: This woman is special because she is able to stand up to her husband and survive the domestic abuse he puts her through.
7. Tris from the Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth: Tris certainly has her flaws but overall she is a selfless character who constantly fights for what is right. She is the embodiment of courage.
8. Sailor Moon: This is yet another character that I've loved since I was very young. Her character development is amazing. She went from a young immature girl to a bad ass woman who battles crime.
9. Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell: This woman is definitely a survivor. She deeply values her life and does whatever it takes to survive many terrible situations.
10. Mulan from the Disney movie Mulan: Yet another woman that I've really respected since childhood. Mulan risks her life for her father, her friends, and ultimately her country. She is funny, witty, and strong.
The Broke and the Bookish Top Ten Tuesday:
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