

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

PopSugar Challenge: The Selection

PopSugar Reading Challenge

An Author You've Never Read Before

The Selection by Kiera Cass

HOLY CRAP!! I'm so excited, jumping around, fangirling right now. This is my first 5 star book of the year and after reading some meh books lately, it was the perfect book to break me out of my slump. I honestly cannot say enough good things about this book. I'm a huge fan of dystopian so I love that this book is set in a future America. I also love that it has political depth and presents the reader with some tough situations. Overall though, I am a romance book lover and this book certainly has it's fair share. I'm really happy that there is no insta-love in this book. Both relationships took time to nurture and I love that America takes them both seriously. She knows that because her feelings are real for both of these men that she will need time to sort herself out. I know how this book ends (come on, it's totally obvious) but I don't care. I love when books ends exactly how I want them to. :-)

I checked out this book from the library with very low expectations. Even though this title has a decent Goodreads rating, I couldn't help but see a ton of hate surrounding this book. I picked it up thinking that the premise sounded extremely interesting but if I didn't like it within 50 pages I would put it down. Not only did I not hate it, I absolutely LOVED it! I just got my library card about 2 weeks ago due to a silly book buying ban that I've been on. I have to say though that this book just destroyed that ban. If I tried to get the sequel "The Elite" from the library it would likely take weeks for me to get my hands on it. I absolutely cannot wait that long which means I will be hauling my silly butt to Barnes and Nobles in just a few hours when they open (I am writing this at 3AM). Yes, I am pathetic. 

For me, the moral of this story is to never judge of book by it's reviewers. Which is funny of me to say since I am a book blogger. If you think the premise and synopsis of a book sounds interesting, you should read it. No matter what anybody says (booktuber and bloggers included). If I would have listened to hype I would have missed out on a great book and honestly I've been super disappointed recently with all of the super hyped books anyway!

Happy reading book lovers!

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