

Sunday, February 15, 2015

PopSugar Challenge: 50 Shades of Grey

PopSugar Reading Challenge 2015

Read a Book with a Color in the Title

Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James

Okay, so I'm really not going to say much at all in this post. I have already written extensively on this topic in two of my other posts which I will link at the bottom of this post. I will say though that this is the second time I have read this book and I still find it as fascinating now as I did when I read it two years ago. I most enjoy the psychological issues it presents as it gives me something to think about. I don't typically make moral judgements on books when I read them since they are just fiction. No need to judge the make-believe. I find it truly abhorrent when people freak out about the contents of fictional pieces of paper. If you don't like it, don't read it. 

The one point I will make in this post however is something that just really irritates me and gets under my skin. People keep talking about how the book promotes domestic abuse and that Christian Grey makes controlling, stalker types of men seem attractive. This assumption is ridiculously false. Since this is a work of fiction, the character of Christian Grey is able to be so much more than any human in the real world could ever be. For instance, when he buys her a new car, tracks her down to the bar (etc, etc) it is because he is genuinely concerned with her safety. This kind of behavior would not happen in the real world because real humans are not perfect. If you are being stalked in real life it is because that other person has real human issues and is not perfect like a man in a book. Of course he isn't looking out for your needs, he has his own needs. That's what great about a book. We can read Fifty Shades of Grey and understand that Christian has good intentions and genuinely wants to help Ana. In the real world people are flawed. Because of this the people that say that this book makes stalkers seem romantic are just obtuse. If someone is reading a book of fiction and cannot understand that it isn't real, well frankly I think that person needs some help. I mean people seem very eager to try to pass a moral judgment on this book and make it seem like it has real world implications when it is just a work of fiction. I see it just like every other book I read. I don't expect to ever be an assassin in Throne of Glass just like I don't expect to be accepted into Hogwarts tomorrow. We would all be so much better off if we could just remember that books are not reality. they are for entertainment, pleasure, and enjoyment. 

Does Fifty Shades of Grey promote abuse?

Fifty Shades of Grey: Book vs Movie

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